
 Continuing Initiatives

Holiday Safety Leaflets

In a similar fashion to the Christmas safety leaflets, the Panel produced a leaflet full of practical hints and tips on holiday safety. The advice covers preparation for and safety during your holiday. It advises on your home security, safety and finances, and other matters you should consider.

These leaflets were distributed to travel agencies throughout Falkirk District, as well as smaller privately run travel companies.

Christmas Leaflets

In 2007 the Panel designed their own guide to Xmas safety and security. This leaflet gives practical advice on fire safety, especially where candles, Christmas tree and external lights are concerned. the leaflets also highlights the folly of excessive drinking when cooking or out partying.

This leaflet had a circulation of 10,000 copies, and were distributed to Falkirk’s Neighbourhood Watch areas and to public within the Howgate Centre by members of the Panel.

Shed Security and Garden Security

Leaflets produced giving advice, to view the leaflet visit our leaflets page. 


In 2002, two youth members contributed to the Panels work with their own Anti-Bullying initiative. This involved the printing, laminating and distribution of anti-bullying posters to all of Falkirk District primary and secondary schools.

This project subsequently won an award from the National Neighbourhood Watch Association and the recognition of Falkirk Education Authority. Their work is reproduced in web form in the Bullying pages of this website.


Message in a bottle

aka. Emergency Information Phial

One of the main initiative of the Panel was a means to help those known to have a medical condition. The Panel provided plastic containers into which users would place notes on their medical history and medicines taken. Additional advice or contacts were also included.

These containers where clearly marked and placed in a fridge. By displaying an appropriate green cross at the door and emergency services arriving at the home would know where to look for this advice. Having this information immediately available, rather than waiting for records from doctors surgeries, vital medicines or treatment could be administered early.


Childsafe link

Purse Bells

Personal Attack Alarms

Defender Cards

Purse Theft

Shed Alarms


Past Initiatives  

Falkirk College Identification Theft

The ICO (Information Commissioners Office) has identified students as being in the high risk category for becoming Identification Theft victims. As a result the Panel devoted two days during the Falkirk College Freshers Fayre raising awareness and speaking to students.

The Panel also provided the College with their ‘top ten’ tips on avoiding Identity Theft which were printed in their staff and students news letters.

The Panel ran a competition and also donated a shredder to the College to promote ID theft.

The College reports that the initiative was a success.

The Panel started this initiative with a campaign (in 2005) within Falkirk ASDA store raising ID theft and the use of shredders.

Child Safe Link

The Child Safe link started in 1998 in a bid to bring together the three important elements of a child being lost or separated from its parents. Teaching a child how to cope with being separated is one aspect of the problem. Child Safe Link brings the retail sector and the parents into the solution.

In addition to practical guidance in leaflet form, 25,000 bookmarks were also distributed throughout Falkirk District schools

This was so successful that it was re-launched in 2003 using designs submitted by a student from Falkirk College.

FDCSP Development Worker

Falkirk and District Community Safety Panel saw an opportunity to introduce and train a member as a Development Worker. Their role was to work closely with Central Scotland Police and establish what areas of concern existed that the Panel could assist in tackling.

This role was one of the first in the country and meant that the Panel had a greater output. The Development worker was a full time position, so could devote far more time and resources to initiatives and local demands.

The position was funded by Scottish Executive and, as the Panel were unable to fulfill the role of an employer, wages and employment details were managed by Central Scotland Police.

The position ran for four years and, although successful, is no longer being funded.

Cards For the Visually Impaired

In 2000 the Panel recognised the difficulties faced by visually impaired residents of Falkirk and produced cards warning persons of the dangers of bogus callers.

The Panel produced a single sheet of information using a high contrast paper and print. These were distributed through appropriate persons who deal with the visually impaired. This initiative won Community Safety award.

Cycle marking

Car Keys

Bogus Callers

Fire Retardant Bedding

Phone Cards

Schools Quiz

Howgate Advice Days

ATM Safety



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